Today marks the 3rd and final installment of the June 26, 1966 Disneyland in 3D (aka genuine FauxD© series). Wouldn’t it be great to step inside of the Penny Arcade?

Despite the blur of guests, you can see Esmeralda the fortune teller front and center:

Eastman Kodak? Film for cameras? Huh?

For all you cellphone snapping goobers, yes…cameras used to take film. Real film. And you could buy it right on Main Street, U.S.A. at the Eastman Kodak Shop.

Just take a look inside those windows:

This overall view down Main Street shows the location of the Penny Arcade and Kodak shop across from each other with the Train Station at the end of the street in Town Square:

This view was shot closer to the Castle:

The sign on the far left that is cut off says “Insurance by North America,” aka INA. That was the sponsor of the Carefree Corner (not to be confused with the Coke Corner across the street).

This set would not be complete without a nighttime shot of the Castle:

By this time the coat of arms had been added above the entrance:

The last one shows the Mark Twain at the dock:

Oh to take a spin around the original Rivers of America again!

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.
What would you do if you had a time machine?
Normal people: "Go back in time, change history, get rich, etc."
Me: "Contact Dave, collect a group of friends who follow his blog and go back to see Disneyland like this one more time."
Curious as to what date/year you would pick if you could only select one?
These are gorgeous!
What date/year? Not sure, I'd have to whiteboard that and have a committee to bounce ideas off of. Not opening day, that's for sure. Before Walt's passing, but maybe even earlier such as during the years you might actually see Walt walking around his park. ( 1956-1961 perhaps? )
1956-1958 is a good range for me! I'd want to ride the Viewliner.
Brings back memories (sigh). KS
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