Two more from my September 15, 1960 Genuine FauxD© series, beginning with this side view of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. Notice the coat of arms is still missing from above the drawbridge. Below is the stitched version of the left and right images to provide a wider panorama view:

On the left of this shot of the Columbia, we have the hand of a guest who screwed up what would have otherwise been a perfectly lovely shot.

The wider view, which shows both keelboats in the same frame:

One more post to come from this series; stay tuned, and a happy Monday to you all!
See more Disneyland photos at my main website.
So that's what the SBC looks like... it's so hard to tell these days, what with all the PINK, and stuff.
Totally agreed with Nanook. Walt's castle was a scaled down image of Neuschwanstein, right down to the color choices. Today's looks like someone said "Make it look like a cartoon! Some IP we own, any IP, I don't care, pick one." ( in 2006 ) It's probable that the imagineers asked "What, you mean like a giant cake?" to which that same person said "No! What kind of moron would do that?!" ( 1996 at WDW ). Separate topic but I'm finally all for that Walt Disney animatronic, but only because I want it to gain sentience, freedom, and go after Bob Iger like Yul Brynner in Westworld.
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