This November 1959 image shows a gent hanging out in front of the Pen Shop at Disneyland. Lasting from 1955-1959, you could purchase pens, get a handwriting analysis, and check out the replicas of historic documents on display. Something tells me this shop would never fly today; not enough ROI for the stuff shirts. Below is an overall 1950s image that shows East Center Street (just off Main Street, U.S.A.) where you could find the Pen Shop in the back left corner.

From June 2012, you can see that this quaint little corner has been maximized for profit with juice and fruit cart offerings as well as lockers (to store all the stuff you don’t need) and an ice cream shop at the rear.

In this September 2007, you can see that the “Painless Dentist” is where the Pen Shop used to be.

See more Disneyland East Center Street photos at my main website.
That's a shame, I could see that pen shop working out. I heard the younger generations aren't into old cars, that ended with GenX, but they are into hipster gadgets, smaller and easier to own things like watches and handheld collectibles. ( Look at the pin trading genre at Disney! ) I'd think fancy overpriced pens would work at Disney today. For me the takeaway is that tiny storefront entrance leading to a ( presumably ) larger interior. Also, that the Painless Dentist door is an actual door. Until now I assumed it was a static prop, a door that doesn't really open. I guess it does, or could?
A very interesting piece of Disney trivia! KS
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