Saturday, September 25, 2010

Paint-by-numbers fun, Pt. 2

I let this one sit for a few days and had to go at it again...and again...and again. I wanted to keep the vintage paint-by-numbers feel, but there were some colors, shapes, and other wacky things that bothered me, causing me to keep working at this painting over the last week. Now it is done, and I am ready to go back to Lana is definitely time to finish that one! The first pic here is the final product, and the 2nd pic is how the painting came out following the directions exactly (well, almost exactly).

For more Daveland art visit my main website


Yael said...

Love your blog, Its so fun!:)
You sure do go nice places:-)

Yael Adas FOTOgraphy

Tina said...

Thanks for following my vintage blog--I'm honored. Love your Daveland blog and delighted to find out about your art as well. Will follow this blog via my art blog ( Paint by number are always cool!