Here you can see the evolution of two of my favorite scenes, the Wench Auction & Carlos at the well. The opening shot is from a Pirates of the Caribbean booklet that I have had since it was originally published, and have read and re-read it many a time. It’s great to see Davis surrounded by all of his sketches for this classic attraction. First up are a few Marc Davis sketches; I love this man’s style. He really put characters in to his characters! The Red Headed Wench seemed to have the most changes from sketch to reality; the final AA figure is definitely more buxom!

Next up we have the first 3d rendering, a very detailed small model:

This shot appears to be a larger (and extremely detailed) model:

The scene as first displayed, shown in these Panavue Slide views:

And how it looks now; not a whole lot of change going on here, which suits me just fine. Jack Sparrow not needed here:

Moving on to scene 2, this is the famous well scene, with the mayor getting dunked while his beloved snaggle-toothed lady tells him not to be “cheeee—ken” (chicken, for those of you who don’t speak snaggletooth). First we see the Davis sketch for the next three waiting to be dunked (or shot).

And here is the scene in 3D, displayed in a finely detailed miniature; one would have to look hard to be sure that this is not the actual scene itself.

Next up is the scene as it was first shown to guests, courtesy of this Panavue slide:

And a few recent shots; the biggest changes to this scene are the new lines of dialogue that now include Jack Sparrow.

To all, I wish you a very Happy New Year! See you in ’08!
See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my main website.