Although it may not be as famous as some other Ghost/Gold Rush/Mining Towns, visits to Columbia State Park were a staple of my childhood. I still recall riding the stagecoach which was magically held up by bandits of the Old West each time. Even though I knew what was coming, it never failed to disappoint…especially the time my smart-ass brother decided to heckle the bandit. Back to this post…
By 1852 (only 2 years after gold was first discovered here) there were 8 hotels, 4 banks, 17 general stores, and over 40 saloons. The images presented here are from 3D strips of film from the 1970s, presented to you in genuine FauxD©! Let’s start with a visit to the old Columbia School House, bult in 1860. While less ornate than the one you might see at Calico or Knott’s Berry Farm, it still gives a feel of the era. The school had 368 students in attendance in its first year and was staffed by two teachers and a principal. It was open for biz until 1937 when it was closed for not meeting earthquake safety requirements. Renovated in 1960, it is open for tours.
Saint Anne’s Catholic Church was the first brick church built in California back in 1856. Brick…not adobe!
Here is a recreation of the original Columbia Gazette Printing Office, which was lost to fire in 1857.
The historic Wells Fargo Express Office, built in 1858.
The last one for today shows the Fire House, Drug Store, and Dentist's Office:
I still remember the candy store in Columbia, where you could get rock candy (which looked like rocks) wrapped in a metal mining dish. What a thrill!
See more Columbia State Park photos at my main website.
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