Monday, December 08, 2014

Walt and the Rhino

In 1964, Walt Disney added what has become one of the most memorable scenes to his Jungle Cruise attraction at Disneyland: The African Veldt & Lost Safari. Today's first photo hails from the Look Magazine archive and is dated February 27, 1964. Walt is probably giving a few suggestions about the rhino sculpture that he is standing behind. Hands on? You bet!

Here's one of the first publicity stills released of this scene once it was installed:

"There’s that lost safari we’ve been hearing about. Obviously mixed up in some kind of uprising.”

Oh, that hurts. Here's an October 1964 shot taken by a guest:

I'd say the Marc Davis styled scene is still holding up very well, as can be witnessed by these contemporary shots that I snapped.

See more Daveland Disneyland Behind-the-scenes photos at my main website.

1 comment:

JG said...

That fellow is having an argument with that rhino... The rhino is very persuasive... Looks like he'll get the point in the end...