Here’s a small Then (December 1968) & Now (uh, now...) sampling of the Tiki Room. The first shot shows the United Sponsorship placard above the showroom entrance.
Comparison two shows Maui, who has gotten a healthy dose of turquoise over the years, as has the rest of the area.
Last but not least for today is poor Koro, who I have yet to get a current shot of; add that to my list for my next trip to DLand.
See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Enchanted Tiki Room photos at my main website.
Great shots! I love the enchanted Tiki Room! Sad to say, but I find it funny *everytime* someone gets squirted with water while waiting to go inside.
It's funny how somebody decided that there needed to be so much turquoise. Maybe they felt that it was reminiscent of the blue-green ocean in the south pacific.
At least they didn't use pink!
I think the current exterior paint scheme highlights were influenced a bit by the art of SHAG. The Tiki room refurbishment was also launched with a SHAG event that included serigraphs, prints, handbags and all sorts of tchotchkies. SHAG was also one of the artists who was a part of the rekindling of all things Tiki, retro and swanky back in the late 90's and early 00's.
I was there once and a little kid fell into the fountain and got soaked while waiting for the next show. He got scolded by his parents for goofing off around the fountain.
Hi Dave,
Always love seeing new OLD images of the Tiki Room. I prefer the more "native" colors of the past to the candy we have today. By the way, your first photo is the signage at the Room's exit. Note the arrow directing around to the entrance at the 'gateway to Adventureland' - for those 'haoles' who might inadvertently enter through the back door without plunking down 75 cents.
Fabulous stuff, as always! Thanks for sharing these.
Miehana, thanks for clarifying on the exit photo -- I was so confused, trying to figure out where Tangaroa had gone!
Thanks for all the comments; hrundi, the SHAG explanation definitely sounds plausible. It is really great the way Disney has used his art to revitalize some of the old attractions. And Miehana, thanks for clarifying my photo error; I rectified it today with a new comparison.
Please, looking for a parrot plush figure (large) purchased at Tiki Room about 1987. My X - took and my now grown kids want another for their "precious memories" of a wonderful experience. Thanks. Susana
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