Wednesday, June 04, 2014

Eight Years of Blogging

Eight years…never would have guessed it. When I did my first post, I don't think I had any idea what I was getting into, let alone that it would become a daily task that would last for eight years. Today's post uses the stats from blogger to display my Top 10 posts, starting with…

The #10 Daveland Post. Sometimes, it's obvious to me why a post gets high readership; this one baffles me. Coming in with more than 1,936 views, you can read about "The Aristocats" and "The Three Caballeros."

Squeaking in at #9 with 1,975 views, the classic holiday treat "A Christmas Story" is covered in this post.

Shirley Temple, Bo Derek, and crazy in the desert. It's no wonder that this post is #8 with a walloping 4,645 views.

The debut of an unseen Steve Martin at Disneyland in 1957? I totally understand why this post got 4,721 views and earned the #7 spot.

The #6 Daveland Post inches up the ladder with 4,912 views and a photo of Elizabeth Taylor at Club 33.

The #5 Daveland Post covers the "High School Musical" phenomenon and has gotten over 7,432 views.

Unable to turn away from the weird, over 9,298 people have looked at The #4 Daveland Post which shows the evolution of the Mickey and Minnie Mouse costumes in the Park.

Could it be the sight of Michael Douglas copping a feel from Kathleen Turner that got The #3 Daveland Post 9,780 views?

Two beloved child stars meet, and people obviously want to see it. With more than 12,528 views, The #2 Daveland Post shows Annette Funicello and Shirley Temple Black at the Oscars.

With a whopping 41,008 views, I am totally baffled as to why The #1 Daveland Post earned the top spot. Getting my car's smog test, I wandered through the University Heights neighborhood and took a few photos. Even more baffling is why this particular post has been spammed to death by idiots trying to sell Michael Kors purses.

Interesting to note that despite grumblings from a few readers who get upset when I veer the topic here from Disney, 4 of the top 10 posts have absolutely nothing to do with the Mouse. Raise your glasses to another 8 (or more) years of diverse offerings here at Daveland; thanks for stopping by!

See more vintage and current Daveland photos on my main website.


  1. Keep up the great work! I read your blog daily, usually each morning with my series of news and Disney links I visit. While I'm an avid Disneyland fan, I truly love Southern California and hope to move there some day (from Illinois) so I appreciate your non-Disney posts just as much!

  2. Congratulations on this milestone! I LOVE your blog (no matter the topic) and I totally appreciate all of the work that goes into it! I am kind of right behind you (it will be 8 years in September for me) but I have not managed to post every single day.
    I am a Disney FANatic, and enjoy every single thing you write. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for your truly wonderful blog!!

  3. With all of those listed in one post this is on it's way to being the new #1 post! ( One can hope ) so weird why that would happen but also pretty cool. I'm still stuck on #7 which caused me to do some research. Born in 1945, Steve Martin is said to have worked at Disneyland from 1955-58 making him 10-13 years old during that time. A time that Disney didn't hire anyone under 18 ( or was it 16 ) as a cast member. He looks much older than 13 in that picture and has dark hair, leading me to believe that he's some kind of timeless vampire who's hundreds of years old and ages really well.

  4. Congratulations Dave! I've been reading your blog daily for about three years and I always look forward to it. Having started my own (albeit weekly) blog last October, I can't imagine doing it daily for 8 years! Still keep up the great work!

  5. Congratulations! You have had many incredible posts, though my "Top 10" would differ quite a bit from the list seen today.

  6. Congratulations, Dave. I think I've read every post since 2008, and most of the prior back catalog since then too.

    I really enjoy your take on travel, movies, food, architecture and Disneyland. I've learned a lot that might not be found elsewhere.

    Thanks for making my days brighter.


  7. Congratulations, Dave. I've enjoyed it all. From reading the diverse subjects to viewing your beautiful photography. In fact I think what I enjoy most is your photography. And of course there's Disneyland. Here's to another great 8 years!

  8. Thanks all - VERY much appreciated! And Major...I agree. Always interesting to see what people latch on to, but I would probably pick entirely different posts!

  9. A hurculean task to be sure! Congratulations Dave. Thanks for reaching out. I'll always appreciate it.

    Lee (CoxPilot)
