Sunday, November 05, 2023

Sunday Funday: The Disneyland Bench

Tile and light fixtures, yes. Benches…well, maybe that’s a new one. In a previous post, I had written about my discovery of a four-seater cast iron bench in Disneyland’s New Orleans Square (above and below)…

…and a similar bench (albeit unpainted and a three-seater) that I happened upon at the Joshua Tree Inn near Palm Springs.

While at the Oakland Cemetery in Atlanta, just as I was leaving I saw this bench. Same design, same end caps, but a two-seater.

I’m guessing that the next time I spot one, it will be a chair. Wonder where that will be?

See more Disneyland New Orleans Square photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. That is fairly amazing. Few people would have had the eye to even notice that detail. When you do find that chair, look to the distance. You'll find Rod Serling, his back turned to you, delivering a monologue to an unseen audience. He'll gesture to the single chair as you enter and mention something about it not being an ordinary chair. After that, you're on your own.
