Monday, October 31, 2022

Halloween at the Mansion!

The final day of my Halloween Haunted Mansion celebration begins quite appropriately in the ballroom. Plenty of cake for the revelers who don’t appear to be able to handle their liquor.

The organist who continually plays upon Captain Nemo’s organ is another favorite tableau of mine.

The Pepper’s ghost illusion of the dueling portraits is another brilliant gag:

Then we reach the attic. Once Constance and her looney story took over, I lost interest. Other than the shadow of the ghost who plays the piano. Ever noticed him?

Oh please make this hot mess of a projection go away.

The Hatbox Ghost at the end of the attic scene does bring me a large amount of joy. I’ll give the Disney Corporation that one as a “win.”

Once we slide back down the hill in our doombuggy, we encounter the poor cemetery caretaker and his undernourished dog:

“Grim Grinning Ghosts” by X Atencio is one of those songs that’s welcome to live in my head ANY time:

The hitchhiking ghosts: that iconic trio that has raked in a few bucks in merchandise for the Disney Corporation:

As you leave, be sure to notice the homage to Cocteau’s “Beauty and the Beast”:

Little Leota was probably the most intriguing part of this attraction when I was a little kid. “How did they do that?!?”

Happy Halloween to all! Take it easy on the candy and I’ll see you next month!

See more Disneyland Haunted Mansion photos at my main website.


  1. Anonymous8:19 AM

    Happy Halloween!!!
    I now have the Barenaked Ladies version of Grim Grinning Ghosts running through my head- because that's the last version I listened to...

  2. I LOVE their version of that song! Now it's running through my head!

  3. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Still can remember my first trip through as a CM prior to its opening in August 1969. I had waited years for it with such anticipation...and it didn't disappoint. KS

  4. Anonymous4:50 PM

    You're right, the Little Leota homunculus is probably the single most unsettling part of the whole attraction.

    It freaked me out as a kid, even though I knew it was an illusion.

    And it still bothers me to this day, it's truly disturbing. Is she always that small, or can she expand to normal... or beyond normal? How did this come about? There are no answers.


