Friday, October 15, 2021

TGIF: R&R at the Chateau

Remember when Instagram was about posting pretty pictures? And Facebook was for connecting with friends and sharing your life adventures? Nope…me neither. They have devolved into platforms for people to spew out their opinions and anger. I get it; times have been crazy the last year and a half. I just don’t necessarily need to know everybody’s rants and raves. Neither does Willis. So…we packed our bags and went to our zen place: The Chateau Marmont.

Our burdens lifted the minute we entered its historic walls. When my friends hear I have gone there, they often ask, “What did you do while you were there? Did you go see anything?” The answer is usually, “no.” The Chateau is enough. I park my car, and I literally unwind. 

Willis and I sat by the pool and did some research for future blog posts (as well as continued work on the upcoming Daveland book) and even finished reading a book (gasp!). Willis is good about reminding me that it’s time to eat.

Old habits die hard and I still found myself scrolling through Instagram photos. This one from a painting company was tagged “Chateau Marmont.” See the Chateau through the view of the window on the left?

Lo and behold the view from my window:

 The house getting painted. I let them know they were doing a nice job!

While in the room, the Chateau’s music selection is perfectly eclectic; just the way I like it.

Sometimes I pretend I’m from a 60s rock group and explore the fire escape.

Willis knows I’m busy taking photos so he just sleeps a lot and gives me that “do not disturb” look.

During dinner, classic black and white movies are shown (sans sound) in the living room area off the lobby and sometimes the patio:

Breakfasts were hearty:

…and so were the desserts.

A new gate to the pool had been installed since my last visit; notice the “CM” at the top:

When I left, I felt renewed and ready to take on the world again. Thanks as always, Chateau, for being my safe haven from the rest of the world. Until next time…

See more Chateau Marmont photos at my main website.


  1. I legitimately feel bad when I check Instagram every half hour. Typically I only do it because I'm running a process at work and I have to sit here and wait for 3 minutes. The world would be better off without it, not because the platform was bad but because which Humanity chooses to do with anything good once you give them a few minutes to really work with it and corrupt it. Congrats on the nice getaway, it looks like Willis had a great time as well. You've mastered the purpose of a vacation, to unwind. I've had too many myself, that were so fast paced and stressful but they weren't vacations, they were just a new way to channel the stress. I can't wait to see what you have in store that involves the Mike Douglas show. I miss more of a Merv Griffin fan myself but those were certainly the days when a person could go on a talk show and be civil.

  2. Anonymous10:47 AM

    I know this is one of your treasured get-away places. And I so agree with you about much of social media. Fortunately, I wasn't born in this era and don't feel genetically attached to my devices. I still FB for its original intended purpose and nothing else. Yet I don't feel compelled to let everyone know what I am doing every day. In the end it reminds me that we all live repetitive lives. As for the Chateau...wasn't it to become a private exclusive club?? KS

  3. Anonymous11:17 AM

    You own the luckiest pup in the world, Dave. Do you think he knows that?

    Love all your photos. Especially the ones you took at the Griffith Observatory posted on your other site. The composition of some of them is true Art (with a capital A).

    Thanks for maintaining and continually updating your blog. It brings a bit of sunshine and pleasure to an increasingly dark and troubled world. Take care.

    Edward Allen

  4. Lucky dog!...and so is Willis. And none other than Ms. Temple-Black on the Mike Douglas show for a bit of zone-out.

  5. Bryan - the family watched Merv Griffin, too! And yes, talk shows were different back then. Wasn't everything? Saying that makes me feel like an old fart.

    KS: I have not heard any more about whether the Chateau will become a private club or not. Just taking advantage of as many opportunities to stay there until that day happens (if it does!).

    Thanks Edward - i still think I'M the lucky one to have Willis in my life. Glad you liked the Griffith Observatory shots. I need to go back there again; it's been too long!

    Darryl - It was a great episode. Who would have thought to put together Tony Bennett, Shirley, Lorna Luft, and Muhammed Ali?!?

  6. I enjoyed today's post...looks like a wonderful get-away! Squeezing in these peaceful moments and mini-vacations is sooo important, in today's crazy world. Thank you for sharing!

    I, too, loved The Mike Douglas Show - watching it with my mom - who loved all the talk shows...Merv Griffin, Virginia Graham, Tom Snyder, Johnny Carson, Dinah Shore...

    Thanks, Dave & Willis!
