Monday, October 18, 2021

Petrified on a Monday

Don’t get petrified by the start of another week; instead, focus your petrification on the tree at Disneyland’s that has graced the Frontierland landscape since 1957. This June 1961 shows “Anna and June.” Perhaps Anna is encouraging June not to be afraid of Mondays. In the background is Don Defore’s Silver Banjo Barbecue,” the only restaurant in Disneyland history (so far) to bear the name of a non-fictional person that was also owned by said individual.

I found this shot that I had taken in February 2012, offering a similar perspective:

Here’s the plaque that tells the backstory:

I hope your weekend is off to a great start! See more Disneyland Petrified Tree photos at my main website.


  1. The petrified tree and the anchor are possibly the oddest accoutrements in the Park, but I still love them.

    I wonder why these ladies chose the tree stump as the backdrop? It doesn't seem to me to be a particularly scenic thing when you have all of Disneyland to choose from. It is a great pic though.

    I did some reading about Don DeFore, pretty interesting guy, and it is no surprise that he didn't last in the Park.

    Thanks Dave.


  2. I would have liked to visit Don DeFore's Silver Banjo BBQ. It was a small shop so I didn't expect much and I realize there were inspection issues regarding zoning and how much room he had to work with, but it still would have been neat. The idea of "Silver Banjo" goes well with the paddleboat. Too bad it was only there from 57-62. ...unlike that tree, which will be here millions of years after we have gone extinct.

  3. There's a great story about that petrified tree and why it's in Disneyland (and I hope someone someday can tell me if it's true): The way I heard it, Walt and Lillian were driving cross country and he (with his mind on embellishing Disneyland) was insisting they stop at every little roadside attraction. This was really getting on Lilly's nerves... to the point where she put her foot down and refused to even get out of the car at the petrified tree exhibit. Walt, however, not only got out of the car; he bought that tree and put it in the park, labeling it as a "Gift from Mrs. Walt Disney"!

  4. According to Disney historian Jim Korkis, whose "Vault of Walt" works are considered some of the most honest and accurate Disney history books around, that's pretty much the short version of what happened. The story Walt told everyone is that it came home and she refused it, but in reality it never made it to their house. Lillian saw to that.
