Wednesday, October 03, 2018

Journey Down Main Street, U.S.A. 1956

Join me as we stroll down Disneyland's Main Street, U.S.A. circa 1956. Our first image shows the Main Street Cinema. Zooming in, it would seem that back in the day there was a real person working inside the Cinema's ticket booth, versus Tilly the “dummy” that's there now.

This one appears to have been shot while our National Anthem was being played.

A tighter crop of the same shot, taken in front of the Gibson Greeting Card Shop.

You can almost smell the popcorn roasting in this little cart outside the Gibson Shop.

A closeup of the little mechanical clown doing all the work:

At the end of Main Street, Vesey Walker leads the Disneyland Band towards Central Plaza.

Zooming in, we can see a Circus Wagon from the former Mickey Mouse Club Circus, now being operated by Professor George J. Keller.

A Surrey takes guests around the Plaza.

I drop you off at the Sleeping Beauty Castle:

A closeup of the driver of the newfangled horseless carriage:

...and a sign that has seen better days:

See more Disneyland Main Street, U.S.A. photos at my main website.


  1. I'm sure this has been covered a million times but until now I have never noticed the "Plaza Apts" sign over the Emporium. I thought I'd seem hundreds of vintage pics on your site but never saw that until now. Amazing what a little perspective does.

  2. Anonymous11:29 AM

    When I was working the Main Street Theater, taking "A" tickets, I was called a 'dummy' by one of the young kids coming in. While he meant no malice in his comment, his father corrected him while I said, "Why yes I am for doing this!" KS
