Thursday, October 26, 2017

Contemporary Grand Canyon Diorama

In uploading the vintage images, I also realized I hadn't posted my most recent "contemporary" shots of the Disneyland Grand Canyon Diorama. Hard to believe I haven't been on the train in almost TWO YEARS! Here are all four panorama views from my last journey on the Disneyland Railroad.

More vintage and contemporary Disneyland Grand Canyon Diorama photos at my main website.


  1. The shots are fantastic, but the recently added animations are over the top.

  2. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Great shots without the need of flash. Technology has come a long way. We used to have to remind guests that taking flash shots was futile because all you would get back is the reflection of the flash itself.

  3. Wow, Dave, those photos are true beauties. Makes me want to see that attraction all over again. Thank you!

  4. Anonymous12:32 PM

    One of the few thing that Disneyland does better than Disney World. Of course, now that they're getting rid of the Universe of Energy, methinks maybe they'll use the old dinosaurs to create something similar to the Lost World diorama for the Magic Kingdom. How cool would that be?

  5. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Your photos are always a joy, Dave.

    Thanks for posting these.

