Monday, October 30, 2017

Blurry Pirates 1975

I was very excited to bid on this series of consecutive images from the Pirates of the Caribbean attraction circa April 1975...until I received them. The composition was great; but the shots were all blurry. Meh. In an attempt to make up for the crappy images, I have done my best to do a contemporary compare and contrast post. Here goes!

From Blackbeard:

to Barbossa:

Enjoy this version while you can!

Another casualty to politically incorrect changes:

What happened to this guy?

More Pirates of the Caribbean photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 AM

    Wow, that photographer must have been popular, so many flash shots on one ride through.

    Thanks Dave, sorry your purchase didn't meet expectations, but we enjoyed it anyway.

