Thursday, November 06, 2014

Meeting at Ghost Town Grill

A few photos from my lunch at Knott's Berry Farm's Ghost Town Grill. The red-eyed ravens were perched by the restaurant's sign as part of the Knott's Scary Farm overlay.

The menu; what would you care to order?

One of the very cool murals inside the restaurant that first opened in 1946:

A panoramic view of the same mural:

You know me and light fixtures; I'm obsessed.

I love how the wagon has been incorporated into the order/serving window:

The mural above shows a covered wagon camp:

One of the cozy booths:

Vintage looking Halloween decor (including muslin cobwebs) adorned the interior:

The Boysenberry Shake that I ordered was tasty!

The Sourdough Frisco Burger hit the spot. Hazel, our waitress, made sure I cleaned my plate.

My lunch companions included Ken Stack (be sure to check out his Liberty Ranch Facebook page on amusement parks), OC Historians Phil Brigandi, Stephanie George, and Chris Jepsen. On the far right is Knott's legend John Waite (more on him in future posts!).

After lunch, we rode a few of the Knott's Berry Farm classic attractions, which will be featured here soon!

For Ken, from yesterday's post, here's a closeup of the Sierra Tower of the Disneyland Hotel:

For Cox Pilot - is this the area you thought was the Harbor Drive sign? Sorry there's not more detail!

See more Daveland Knott's Berry Farm photos at my main website.


  1. On the menu, the Cowboy Rib Eye Steak or one of the burgers works for me. That boysenberry shake topped with whipped cream looks dee-licious!

    Thanks for the close up, Dave. Seeing that glowing red lettering of the Disneyland Hotel at the edge of the parking lot at night was like the last drops of magic from my day at Disneyland.

  2. Good to see the old murals in the restaurant are still there.

    Murals might have been a decorating thing in that era. There was a cafe in Coalinga where we would go occasionally, with big mural wall paintings of oil well workers, done in very much the same style as the Knotts pics.

    Alas, Lacy's cafe in Coalinga fell down in the 1980's earthquake. Sigh.

    Thank you, Dave.


  3. JG - I remember that there was discussion at the table about who had painted the murals but I don't think it was known for sure. Would be interesting to know if it was the same artist as from the Cafe you used to go to.

  4. Dave's right; I think our conversation got sidetracked before we finished our discussion on the murals. The designer of Ghost Town, Paul von Klieben, is still a solid guess for the mural above the covered wagon service area. No idea if he ever worked on any murals in Coalinga! Maybe Phil or Chris knows.

  5. Sorry Dave, that's not it. It is in second pic, between the CMs back & the black light fixture.
