Wednesday, November 05, 2014

Good Night, Until We Meet Again

Who would bother taking a photo of the Exit Turnstiles at Disneyland? At night? Apparently this July 1968 photographer bothered, and I'm so glad he/she did. Leaving the park is always such a dilemma. I rarely want to go back to "the real world," even though my tired aching feet say otherwise. I often stall on Main Street and think of one last photo I should take before I leave.

Don't forget that hand stamp before you leave!

For some reason, this image made me think of the Lawrence Welk song "Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen" that was played at the end of every show.

See more Daveland vintage & current Disneyland entrance/exit photos at my main website.


  1. What a neat shot; and it's not blurry! So many vintage night shots are not crisp.

  2. The shots that no one thinks to take are sometimes the most interesting and can reveal a bit of hidden history.

    Is that the lit-red Disneyland Hotel sign on the Sierra Tower in the distance? It sure looks like it.

  3. I think I see the main entrance sign on Harbor too.

  4. I don't remember that as a closing song for Lawrence Welk - difference in our ages I guess. They used to close the show with the main adult cast singers singing 'Good Night Ladies' and then break into his theme song, 'Bubbles in the Wine'.

  5. @beachgal - It might be due to differences in age because I remember same as Dave, the closing song for Lawrence Welk being "Adios, Au Revoir, Auf Wiedersehen".

  6. What a beautiful evening shot! Some images sure bring back the memories...

  7. Beachgal - The song you remember was the closing tune when Welk was on ABC (1955-1971).

  8. Dave, this little off-hand shot is a precious memory. Thank you.

