Friday, May 23, 2014

Walt in the Park

I love seeing photos of Walt Disney in the Park that he created. Typically, you'll see either joy in his face or you'll see the wheels in his head spinning, constantly looking for improvement. Today's photo from a 1960's Look Magazine shoot shows the former, as he watches a little girl squeeze the nose of a stuffed Mickey Mouse. By the wheels on the vehicle and the horse's hooves, I am guessing he is somewhere on Main Street.

Interesting to note that this particular Mickey is styled to the 1920s/30s Mickey, whereas the plush used in the publicity photos of Walt pre-opening to the park was a more contemporary design.

Just imagine a regular day for Walt. It would begin with him rolling out of the bed in his tiny Town Square apartment.

A shower to get the day started.

Maybe a few phone calls and a chat with wife Lillian.

And then exiting his apartment, his day begins in his beloved Utopia, Disneyland.

Many traditions have been removed or changed at Disneyland, for better or worse; I hope that they will always keep this one going, as it is a constant reminder of the genius who created it.

See more Walt Disney at Disneyland photos on my main website.


  1. Awesome pics, thanks! Been there a few weeks ago but wasn't allowed to get pics. So glad you have such strong and clean images of the apartment.

  2. That sure looks like one of the old Charlotte Clarke Mickey Mouse dolls from the 1930's… a LARGE version, which would be worth thousands of dollars today!

  3. I always loved that Nat. Geo. image of Mr. & Mrs. Disney with the grandchildren in the Firehouse apartment. Nice post today. Thanks, Dave.
