Thursday, May 22, 2014

Fifty Fabulous Years

Today, I cross over into another decade as I turn 50. I remember when I used to think that people in their 50s were ancient; now I am one of those people and yet I don't feel any older. Except when I have to squint to read something or hear my knees cracking when I walk down a flight of stairs. Other than that…feeling pretty good!

I had an early celebration of my birthday last weekend in Bungalow #1 at the Chateau Marmont with a few close friends and (of course) Willis. As my cake was set ablaze with candles, I quickly reflected on all of the good times (and some not so good).

I wouldn't trade a minute, as you never know which deleted minute (even the worst ones) contributed to the most joyous ones.

Some highlights from each decade include making "pies" in my sandbox in the 1960s:

Playing the lead in my Junior High musical, "Oliver!" in 1977:

Marching in the 1980 Tournament of Roses Parade:

Becoming an Uncle for the first time in 1983:

Buying my first house in 1989…

and then selling it in 1999 to move back to San Diego:

My 40th birthday bash in 2004:

Trip to Italy with Doug:

Please pardon me as I get reflective and look out the window of my past; I have to say that overall, I have been very fortunate so far, and can't help but to give thanks for all of the people I have serendipitously met along the way.

See more Daveland photos on my main website.


  1. Happy Birthday Dave! Being "in the 50s" myself, I find the years to be good ones. Enjoy them! I can tell you're a great guy, and maybe one day we'll meet in person. Be blessed!

    Insights and Sounds

  2. Happy Birthday, Dave!!! I remember turning 50. It was definitely a reflective moment. You have a wonderful attitude towards life. May you enjoy many more birthdays. And it's always good to see Willis too.

  3. "I wouldn't trade a minute, as you never know which deleted minute (even the worst ones) contributed to the most joyous ones."

    That is so true, well put. Marty Sklar once regretted in college not being chosen to go on a trip to India but pointed out if he had been on that trip he would have missed the call from Card Walker that asked him to come work for Walt.

    You have discovered the secret to life Dave. Look forward, glance back, but live for now. Happy 50th.

  4. Happy Birthday! And cheers to the many more adventures still ahead :)

  5. Happy Birthday...

  6. Happy Birthday, Dave. Wish you many more happy ones.

    Best regards.


  7. Happy B-Day Dave! I heard (and agree with) a comment once about turning 50..."when you reach 50, you know longer need to look for things to like as by then you know what you like and enjoy them", or something like that.

    Funny, even on "your day" you found time to post an entry...go put your feet up for crying out loud!

    - Darryl

  8. Feliz cumpleaƱos, Dave!

  9. Happy Birthday, Dave! I still owe you a lunch!

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, your blog always makes me smile.

  11. Many thanks all for the birthday wishes!

  12. Dave,
    Just checked in and saw you had a birthday! Happy Belated 50th Birthday my friend. I see you had a swell time... may you have many more, and keep going with your terrific blog.
