Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Nothing But The Tooth

Pat Casey's Last Chance Saloon was one of the most photographed set pieces in the town of Rainbow Ridge. This 1950's shot is one of the best in my collection, allowing me to zoom in for some glorious details, like these Wanted Posters. Do you know any of these criminals?

Moving upward, you can see that the Saloon also doubles as the Dental Practice of Dr. Holliday. A nod to Cyrus Kurt Holliday (aka C.K. Holliday on the Disneyland Railroad) or Doc Holliday, the famous dentist of the Old West? I'm guessing the latter.

It appears that the good Doctor's Office was doing quite well by the 1960's; in this November 1962 image you can see that a gold tooth was added to the signage.

By August 1976, the Doctor's name was removed and the gold tooth was unceremoniously replaced with a plain one.

In addition, the window was closed and the lamp that was previously visible could no longer be seen.

This undated 1970's image gives a side view of the plain tooth:

Unfortunately, Pat Casey's Saloon did not make the transition to Big Thunder Mountain. Looks like the Doctor's practice fell victim to progress.

See more vintage Rainbow Ridge photos on my Nature's Wonderland web page.


  1. A blast at the memory cells. When I saw the picture of the tooth I had a flashback to my Grandfather pointing it out to me. I had to be 10 years old or so. Great times. Thanks again.

  2. Wow! What amazing detail you provide. I'm definitely curious to see how the Big Thunder refurb goes and if Rainbow Ridge remains the same or if there are some little changes here and there. Thanks for posting.

  3. Anonymous10:33 AM

    So interesting to follow these little tweaks through time. Makes you wonder about the meetings and decisions that lead to them. "Have to ditch the Doc Holliday sign, too controversial after that Star Trek episode...". Of course, the tooth might have just rotted in the weather and the 3D version too expensive to replace.

    @K Martinez, I have heard that all of the old Rainbow Ridge will (or has been) demolished and that a new one will be constructed as part of the BT redo. Can't confirm independently, but will be sad if true.

    At least we have the pics and the old soundtrack clips.


  4. I love the audio that went with these buildings. "Give me a double shot!" "*Shoots gun twice*" "Guess I should've asked for a single!"
    Thanks for the detailed close up views!

  5. Interesting and only slightly related subject. I only recently discovered that the real Doc Holliday practiced in my home town, Denison, Tx. Cool, huh?

  6. MRaymond - Isn't it amazing how the smallest things from childhood stay with us forever?

    JG: You are correct. Rainbow Ridge has been completely rebuilt from scratch. Not sure if all the buildings were redone or if a few were sacrificed along the way. The attraction will be closed until early 2014.
