Saturday, August 06, 2011

Screen Gem Saturdays: Happy 100th Birthday, Lucy!

In honor of what would have been Lucille Ball's 100th Birthday, I am sharing a few photos of the zany redhead from my collection.

First up are two from the classic "I Love Lucy" episode “Lucy and Ethel Buy the Same Dress” which first aired October 19,1953. It would be hard to imagine a better duo of comediennes than Lucille Ball & Vivian Vance. Besides having amazing chemistry, the two were 100% believable.

In the February 21, 1955 episode "Lucy Gets Into Pictures," (first aired on February 21, 1955) Lucy gets a bit part in a movie as a glamorous showgirl who gets shot and tumbles down the staircase.

Unable to walk down the stairs and balance her outrageously huge headdress, Lucy gets removed from her role. Lucy pleads with the director (expertly played by Lou Krugman) to reinstate her; as you can see in the photo, he just doesn't stand a chance with a desperately persistent Lucy.

One of the most touching episodes was “Lucy is Enceinte” from December 8, 1952. The word “pregnant” was still taboo, thus the title. Lucy announces to Ricky that she is pregnant with their first baby. The genuine emotion between the two is guaranteed to make a tear or two fall.

This last photo is from one of my very favorite episodes, "LA at Last," which first aired February 7, 1955.

Lucy smooches Director Bill Asher between takes as costar William Holden looks on.

Happy Birthday, Lucy - thanks for your legacy of laughter. To see more I Love Lucy photos, visit my main website.


  1. Happy Birthday, Lucy! Her last name is what I have everytime I watch an I Love Lucy episode!

    P.S. Lovely tribute!

  2. It's friendship, friendship....just the perfect blendship....

    Happy birthday, Lucy!

  3. Legacy of laughter is right!!

  4. Chris - I need to hear you sing that in person!

  5. In my "Lucy" voice or my "Ethel" voice?

  6. Definitely your Lucy voice!
