Sunday, November 28, 2010

BW Frontierland Fun, 1950's

This set of 1950’s negatives yielded a number of crystal clear shots, all focusing on Frontierland. The one odd duck was this first shot, which was an unfortunate double exposure. I was able to salvage a portion of it and to provide this closeup of a native from The Jungle Cruise.

The Mark Twain is pulling up to the dock, but most of the guests are more interested in the ducks.

As the Marx Brothers once said, “Why a duck?"

A nice juicy closeup of a vintage popcorn box—now we know what the ducks are intereted in!

See more Disneyland Rivers of America photos at my main website.


  1. Regarding that first photo: Dude, that guy looks real!

    Interesting shots...almost as if they have no concern about how many pictures they are taking - like us today with digital cameras.

  2. Hey, where's the Frontierland bandstand that sat along the river? Would it be to the left in the second and third photos? Was it there from day one or did it come later?

  3. Nice B & W Set, ducks have always ruled Disneyland!

    Good question TokyoMagic!

    Where's my time machine - I want to step into these...

  4. Chris - I have tried to look at some of my vintage aerial shots, and it APPEARS that the bandstand was there in 1955. Possibly, it is just out of camera range on these.

    Connie - really is surprising how many shots were used on the ducks/dock. I remember when I shot with film, i kept thinking how much each shot would cost!

  5. These are fun, I remember standing on that fence in the same way in the same place. Might even have been the same ducks.

