Monday, November 29, 2010

BW Frontierland Fun 1950's, Pt. 2

Presented in the order that they were shot, it would appear that our photographer made a beeline to the Mark Twain, hopped aboard, and documented his journey around The Rivers of America. So much to see here! Be sure to take the time to marvel over each image and detail!

Let’s zoom in and spy on the guests aboard the raft!

The REAL Indian Village; not the faux one that is encountered later on in our journey (but not photographed by this particular guest).

No landscaping to help camouflage these faux animals!

Ah...the Burning Cabin. This photographer is definitely sympatico with my tastes.

COLLECTORS: A reader sent me this photo of these glasses that she has from The Disneyland Hotel. Anyone know anything about their origin, date, etc.?

See more Disneyland Rivers of America photos at my main website.


  1. Once again, cool photos!

  2. OMG these are impressive. This is exactly what I would have done if I was there in 1950-something.

    Finally I've got a complete mental image of the front of early TSI with the mill and where the Rafts docked.

    The raft appears to be listing with only about a dozen guests on board - they need to spread out!

    Vintage "real" Indian village with the diagonal canoe docks - nice!

    Barren landscape - check.

    Burning Cabin - check.

    NICE SET - dare I ask, are there more?

    Also, what format/size are these?

  3. Tim - unfortunately, that's it on this set. The material source were 2x2 negatives.

  4. Dave,

    The brandy snifters are decorated with graphics drawn on the sides of ships to ensure that the owners have not loaded them down so deep with cargo they are in danger of sinking.

    Under penalty of law, the circle with the line through it is the "Pimsoll Disk" and shows the absolute deepest a ship may sit in the water and still be sea worthy.

    The two branching figures show the deepest the ship may sit under different waters and seasons around the world. The most dangerous ocean (Winter North Atlantic) is marked WNA and is the most shallow mark.

    The curve with the roman numerals shows a profile of the bow of a ship, with the depth in feet from that number to the bottom of the vessel.

    If these date from the early 80's, they may be a cross promotion between the Queen Mary and Disneyland Hotel. Jack Wrather had bought the lease on the ship, and there were efforts to cross promote the two properties.

    Being stationed on the Queen Mary, I knew very little of the goings on at the Hotel.

  5. Love these early Frontierland pix!

    Your reader should contact Don Ballard over at, he should certainly know something about those snifters.

  6. The Shipyard Inn was one of the restaurants on the Marina at the Disneyland Hotel. I have a large menu with the same graphics on it. Given the graphics and that the Disneyland Hotel is on them, I would say that you purchased a house cocktail and kept the glass as a souvenir. Given that, they are scarce as I have not seen these before.

  7. Katella & Patrick - Thanks for the info; much appreciated! These glasses stumped even Don Ballard!

  8. My husband was born in the 50s and spent many happy visits there in the early 60s, so he will LOVE these photos. Thanks so much. Amazing how different the landscaping looks now! So glad I found your site.
