Tuesday, August 17, 2010

New Orleans Square Trio, April 1968

New Orleans Square was less than two years old when these colorful shots were taken, and The Pirates of the Caribbean was celebrating its one year anniversary. As you can see from the line, it was still packin’ ’em in!

The Royal Street Bachelors provide some authentic jazz, making guests feel as if they are really visiting the city by The Bayou.

This last photo shows some theming that will most likely not be seen again at Disneyland, as the shoe-shine boys interact with characters from “Song of the South.” I’m going to make a guess that the stuffed shirt and tie guy on the right with the determined walk is an employee of Disney!

View more Disneyland New Orleans Square photos at my main website.


  1. I bet Br'er Fox played a mean tambourine.

  2. Swiss Family Tree House goodness in the background of that top picture; yummy.

  3. Those are 3 great shots!

  4. Didn't those Bachelors ever marry? They did a great job "aging" the place, it doesn't look just a couple yrs old does it?

    Think you're right Dave - and that Shirt has his mind on business. There's a drama unfolding in that frame. Note The Man of Questionable Taste on the right has reported something to the Shirt; Shirt's gaze and purposeful walk tell us he's heading over to Handle the Matter. The purported offender? Yeah he's the greenhorn on the left facing away starting at the wall/drainpipe in appropriate repentance. Discipline! That's what's comin'. In the midst of the merrymaking and joy around them. Oh ironic scenes of life... ;)
