Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Matterhorn cutout, 1963

Today, I present another look into the neurotic mind of Daveland, and why I pick to purchase the photos that I present to you each day. First you’ll see a previously posted fun shot with guests posing behind a cartoon cutout, making it appear as if they are climbing the Matterhorn. Why would I buy another similar shot? Well, the 2nd one is slightly different, since there are guests filling up all 3 slots. In the first one, a cartoon face substitutes for the duo who can't fill out all of the available space in the cutout. Here’s the unretouched photo:

Thanks to a little blood, sweat, and tears (it's a new filter in Photoshop!), here is a somewhat cleaner version of the same shot:

And now, enter into the deeper neuroses that haunt my mind. Still thinking the photo (which was probably shot using a fairly unstable Polaroid stock) was a mess, I decided to recreate (in color no less!) the actual cardboard cutout:

Anybody want to enter the time machine and pose with this cutout?

See more Disneyland Matterhorn photos at my website.


  1. This should be a Wednesday Wow! Way-cool, Dave!

  2. How do I used the "blood, sweat, and tears" filter, I need that!

    Man these are funny, the folks expressions in the second one are priceless...

    Thanks for the peak at the deep neuroses that haunt your mind - WOW, your cutout looks splendid, nice job Dave!

    Hey - Make a large version, set it up on the sidewalk on Harbor Blvd, bring a Polaroid camera and make a mint!

  3. TikiTommy19602:37 PM

    Hi Dave , I have seen several of these photo op background pics from Disneyland over the years on Ebay. This Matterhorn is awesome, Mr Toad also had a great one. Do you know where they were at Disneyland ? I remember a photo studio on Main St that took pics on backgrounds , but I dont remember ever seeing these in my history at the park.

  4. Tommy - I believe it was on Main Street at the Photo Studio, but am not sure. Patrick would most likely know the answer to that one as well! I have seen one for The Monorail, Mr. Toad, and a Jungle Cruise/Adventureland one, but only (personally) have the Matterhorn version. Would be great to recreate all of them!

  5. Dave, from the look of the people in the pictures I am guessing a 60's era Gradnite! I really like your color recovery work on this too!

  6. Nice recreation - you've got some mad Photoshop skills.

  7. Thanks Amy! I actually used Illustrator; it makes for a smaller storage file and because it's vector and not pixel format, you can scale it up or down without any loss in resolution. How's that for tech-speak?!?

  8. What a neat idea! Just wondering if you tried different color combinations - the gray tones seem to vary from outfit to outfit. It might be fun to see the results.

    Good stuff!
