Friday, October 19, 2007

Park Exit, July 1960

When was the last time you saw only a handful of people around the entrance/exit area? This one from July 1960 also includes a close-up of the banner proclaiming the Nature’s Wonderland upgrade, Art of Animation, and America the Beautiful.

For Eagle-Eye Reader Mouse Monthly, here's a closeup of the mysterious ball he noticed that appears to be on top of one of the entrance flags. I have no idea what it is for. Anyone?

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. This has lots of fun small details...a great, unusual angle

  2. Anonymous7:43 AM

    Great picture of the employee's entry gate. This is the very spot we used to bring our free dates through on those wonderful band nights. If you take a sharp left after going through that gate, you could enter the underground stairs to the back of Pirate of the Carabian. Follow the tunnels and you would come out inside the One of a Kind Shop just next to POC. A really quick way to get accross the park.

  3. It looks like there is a big orange/red ball on top of a tall pole, inside the park possibly behind the Main Street Train Station near the bank. Any idea what this was for? It being July, I imagine it wasn't a Halloween decoration. Seems like the wrong place for a streetlight.

  4. Mr. Mouse - I have posted a closeup, but have no idea what it is.
