Thursday, October 18, 2007

Disneyland Sign, 1963

Here’s a nice juicy closeup of the Disneyland sign from July 1963. What more is there to say about this classic design in all its glorious simplicity?

See more vintage & current Disneyland photos on my main website.


  1. What a *great* photo of the sign! Has anybody come across photos of the Harbor Boulevard entrance before 1957? Last I knew (which was several years ago), the Walt Disney Archives had no idea what sign was there before this one, which I think was put up in '57.

  2. This is an awesome photo!

  3. Not only juicy but delicious as well! Very nice post! :)

  4. Fantabulous, Dave! That sign was just perfect. Simple good design always beats electronic bells n' whistles.

  5. Yes...a classic sign whose match has not been found.

    Bring it back!!!

  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Does anyone remember the Disneyland ad sign painted on and old warehouse on the southbound 5 freeway, just before the Harbor exit to the park?

  7. Anonymous11:23 AM

    I know this is belated, but I've been doing some areial photo searches for the sign. All the high res photos of opening day '55 show NOTHING in the triangle that held the sign. 1960 pics show the sign. So, I think nothing but temp stuff was out at the time, and the pictured clasic sign was put up a few months later.
