Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Central Plaza Mish-Mash

It’s Hump Day and I’m cleaning house today with a few assorted odds and ends from CP. Pic 1 is from March 12, 1964 with a nice shot of the Pavillion sign. Next up are 3 undated (same series) shots, starting with a blurry Trolley Shot (Hall of Chemistry in back).

Is this “rock” still there?

Who says Walt didn’t provide drinking fountains?!?

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Central Plaza photos at my main website.


  1. I've seen other photos of people (and costumed characters) sitting on the rock in photo #3, do you happen to know if it's still there? These days I'd guess that the lawyers would be worried about folks falling into the moat.

  2. Anonymous7:31 AM

    Yes the rock is still there, but in the midst of bushes. It is also the rock that Walt sat on when reading the dedication of Fantasyland (there are photos)

  3. Love that Plaza sign! Also - notice the cheap wooden box for kids in front of the drinking fountain... I love those obscure little details...

  4. Anonymous8:55 AM

    That's not a wooden box, it's a cast colored cement block

  5. I agree with Chris- one nice shot of the Plaza Pavilion sign. And the rock is still there, just fenced off. I believe that is where the Swans go to at night or when they are tired of being bothered by guests.
