Saturday, September 09, 2006

Coming Soon: The Haunted Mansion

Here’s a great shot of the perfect 60’s mom with her little boy, enjoying the day at Disneyland. But what’s this? She’s smoking! Hasn’t anyone told her this isn’t a designated smoking area? Oh,’s June 1965, and smoking is okay. On the left side, our photographer was smart enough to include the “Coming Soon” sign for the Haunted Mansion. Somebody, give this guy a prize—he just made my day. I’m also including a close-up of the sign for you other signage and/or HM geeks.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Haunted Mansion photos at my main website.


  1. Wow, like most people, I have seen black and white representations of this sign, who knew it was so colorful? Great pic!

  2. What a great shot of a very ephemeral sign. I also like the size of the sign, I always thought it was smaller.

  3. WOW!!!!!! I too thought it was smaller - and black and white. I never knew it was multi-colored. Great find!

  4. I' wonder where the sign is now?
