Thursday, August 17, 2006

Tomorrowland, July 18, 1955

Here’s a barebones shot of Tomorrowland, with a sign advertising the 20,000 League Show. Anybody know what that consisted of? In case you were wondering, the next show is at 12:30:

Today’s entry will be the last until Sunday; I am taking a little hiatus.

See more vintage and contemporary Disneyland Tomorrowland photos at my main website.


  1. Anonymous4:49 AM

    It had sets and showpieces from the film.

  2. Hey Dave,

    There was an early E-Ticket Magazine article on the 20,000 Leagues Exhibit. (You can buy the CD featuring the early issues from the E-Ticket Magazine website.) Also in the Nickel Tour book by David Mumford and Bruce Gordon there is a page on the exhibit. If you do not own a copy of the Nickek Tour book, I highly recommend you get a copy of it. They can be found on E-bay each week for about $100 or so.

  3. Hey Dave check this link it kind of gives you a feel for the exhibit. The show was next to Monsanto. Thanks again for the cool pics.

  4. Great pic! Dave, you mentioned that you have a Viewmaster collection....the first Tomorrowland packet (with the vivid pink around the photo) has an entire reel devoted to the 20K attraction, in Kodachrome AND 3-D! And if you have the scarcer souvenir packet sold in the park, the images are slightly different (though similar).

  5. Weeeoooo! Great shot - I love the obscure stuff more...

    It would be cool if you could lighten up the "next show at" sign in Photoshop, so we can see into the building...

    Actually - it would be even better if you made the pictures larger - I WANT LARGER PICTURES! In fact - why don't you just mail me a silver nitrate print, 11 x 17" please...

  6. Thanks for all the info; and yes, I just recently picked up a copy of the Nickel Tour book. Hey Dutchman: thanks for the weblink—great website! Oh, and Tangaroa: your Silver Nitrate Print is on its way. How about I throw in the original slide just for fun?

  7. Anonymous3:44 PM

    The "20,000 Leagues" exhibit in Tomorrowland was my favorite attraction in Disneyland back in the 1950s, when I was a boy. Like Tom Sawyer's Island" it was an attraction that you could stay in as long as you liked. "20,000 Leagues" was my favorite movie back then (I still love it, though it's no longer my favorite) and I'd read the book many times, so I would go into the "20,000 Leagues" exhibit and pretend I was Captain Nemo, and stay there for HOURS.
