Thursday, March 21, 2024

All In The Details, Pt. 2

One of the great advantages to having the original source material is that it allows you to zoom in on specific areas and look at some of those glorious details! In this September 1969 shot, we can see that the ticket booth is closed (what’s a guest to do?!?) and get a better look at the signage. “Purchase tickets here for Tomorrowland Adventures.” No ticket, no adventure.

The ho-hum Astro Jets attraction got a lift with the “New” Tomorrowland revamp in 1967…literally. Here the newly christened Rocket Jets attraction sits high atop the PeopleMover platform.

Here’s a somewhat run-of-the-mill Main Street shot from 1957 with the Omnibus lumbering towards Central Plaza.

Zooming in, we can see that the photographer captured the sign for the former Hollywood Maxwell’s Intimate Apparel shop all covered up, waiting for the new sign that would say, “China Closet.”

Over in Fantasyland, on the Peter Pan’s Flight attraction, we see Peter flying the Darling children back to London.

In the lower portion of the image you can see the Crew List book:

Walt Disney himself gave these lucky kids a tour of Frontierland before the actual opening of the Park.

Looks like Mickey Mouse was included as well.

See more Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. It really is great to be able to peruse "the little details" in these iamges. Interesting even in 1967 that "adventures" was used, rather than "attractions".

    As they say: "The devil is in the details". And no place did it better than Disneyland.

    Thanks, Dave.

  2. What a great observation. I missed "Adventures" not "Attractions." I'd agree, moving the Astro Jets up high made it a whole different ride; the only ride that a younger me was terrified to go on. Thanks to that "Adventure" I was positive that adults were trying to kill us. Technically I was right but not at Disneyland, only at school with the playground equipment designed to maim. I wasn't sure that the pic with Walt was pre-opening until I saw the scaffolding in the background. Wow.

  3. "Hey, kids? You wanna see a mouse ride a mule? Eh?"
