Wednesday, July 05, 2023

The Pink House: Ladies Who Lunch

You’ve all heard of the term “The Ladies Who Lunch”; the stereotypical definition for this reads as follows:

Well-off, well-dressed women who meet for social luncheons, usually during the working week. Typically, the women involved are married and non-working.

No judgment here; if you can snag a situation like that, go for it! Here’s what one of those groups of ladies might have looked like back in 1952, outside The Old Pink House Restaurant on Reynolds Square in Savannah, Georgia. Purses, hats, and gloves. These ladies have it all covered.

The Olde (the “e” was added at some point) Pink House is a Daveland favorite.

My menu choices rarely deviate when I go (why mess with success?). The BLT salad to start, which includes a fried green tomato:

…and the Fried Pork Chop. Words cannot even begin to describe it.

Know any ladies who lunch?

See more Pink House restaurant photos at my main website.


  1. I ADORE the color-coordination among the lunch ladies, er, I mean lunching ladies. Intentional? I hope so! Either way, if I ever go back to theater costuming I'm totally lifting that look for the first ladies' chorus I can get away with putting it on.

    The salad also looks amazing. Although, peeking at the menu online, I am also intrigued by the idea of crab beignets.

    When Dad was promoted to management, Mom tried to fit in with the LWL but it just wasn't her scene. So many Bloody Marys, so much Valium.

  2. Of course the ultimate definition is the song from Sondheim's "Company", which focuses on the Manhattan sorority.
