Saturday, May 27, 2023

Tony Curtis Takes A Wild Ride

In 1962, Tony Curtis starred in the comedy “40 Pounds of Trouble.” This lackluster remake of Shirley Temple’s “Little Miss Marker” (1934) has at least one redeeming feature: beautiful color footage of Disneyland, shot with permission from Walt himself (albeit with minor script changes that he suggested first). Here’s Tony attempting to escape a detective (Tom Reese) hot on his trail as he dashes through the Teacup attraction. I wonder if there was any eye makeup left for costar Suzanne Pleshette after Tony was finished prepping for the film?

In between takes, Tony took his daughter Kelly (left) and costar Claire Wilcox (who played the Shirley Temple role) on Mr. Toad’s wild adventure.

Maybe Tony enjoyed the drag makeup from “Some Like It Hot” (1959) and decided to keep it.

A few screenshots from the movie that give rare interior views of Mr. Toad:

See more Disneyland Mr. Toad photos at my main website.

1 comment:

  1. Bryan8:16 AM

    Tony Curtis, i can only explain him to current generations as "Ray Liotta v 1.0". Thanks to you i did watch "40 Pounds of Trouble." That chase scene was the only highlight, and it was cringey to watch. I hoped that it would be good and that I would enjoy it, but I just ended up squirming in my seat as things happened which could never possibly happen. Barriers were crossed that simply can't be accessed by any guests. Cool pics and backstory though.
