Thursday, November 17, 2022

On The Town: Bryant Park Farewell

It’s the final day of my New York City “On The Town” tour, which took place in Bryant Park. Sorry to report that I didn’t ride the Carrousel; Melissa (aka “The Colonel”) and I had a lunch appointment at the Grill to meet my friend Michael. I hadn’t seen him in over four years.

Sorry Willis…I didn’t see a dog on the Carrousel.

Every park has to have a fountain; here’s the one at Bryant Park:

Melissa throws in a splash of “Jungle Red” to spice up the otherwise standard looking fountain:

We made it! Just in time for our 11:30 reservation.

I loved the interior; so far, it looked like Melissa had made a very good choice (this is one of her NYC faves).

The trio, awaiting their delicious lunch. It was soooooo good to see Michael after all this time. There was lots to catch up on.

The butternut squash soup was a great way to start off the meal:

The grilled chicken sandwich on brioche roll hit the spot. What?!? How did those french fries get on my plate? I’m sure it was an accident…

And desssert…heavenly.

Recipe for a perfect afternoon: good food, good friends, and great conversation. Of course the best conversation occurred when Melissa excused herself to the restroom. Michael, it was awesome to see you! It better not be another four years!

Even with a train to catch, if I see a photo I’m going to stop and take it, dagnabbit.

I walked to Penn Station for the train to Philly. This was my first experience here (I’m usually at Grand Central).

Beautiful station; cool architecture, clean, and spacious.

But that damn clock…it served as a constant reminder that my Amtrak train was delayed for AN HOUR AND A HALF!

Onto the next part of my trip…

See more New York City photos at my main website.


  1. I don't think you saw a cat on the carousel either. I'm not sure what that is.

    Wow, great pics. Love the fountain, and that skylight. The clock scares me. Four suspension wires eh? What could go wrong?

  2. My sister and I always joke about Bryant Park being the best-smelling place in NYC. The Grill is lovely; I've never had more than dessert and coffee there, but your meal looks amazing.

  3. Bryan - good thing I didn't sit underneath of it.

    Melissa - You should have joined us!
