Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Temple Tuesday: The William Powell Connection

I recently acquired the 1935 Saalfield Publishing booklet “How I Raised Shirley Temple,” written by the star’s mother, Gertrude. Besides being a great volume of loving but no-nonsense parental tips (which still ring true today), it had one new (to me) tidbit in the Preface.

It mentioned that Shirley was a cousin of actor William Powell

The debonair 3-time Oscar nominated Powell had a long career in the movies, most notably “The Thin Man” series, “The Great Ziegfeld,” and “Life with Father” (one of my favorites!).

At first I tried to figure out which side of the family the relation must have occurred, and surmised that it was George Temple’s, Shirley’s father.

Enlisting the assistance of my brother who has lately been obsessed with Ancestry.com, he turned up this photo of Powell with his parents. 

I saw more of a resemblance to Gertrude (née Kreiger then changed to Creiger) in the stern, sharp features. Not really interested in going down the rabbit hole of research for this one, my brother understandably bowed out.

This is where Shirley’s Army steps in! Thanks to Army member Cyndi D., who uncovered the connection:

I found the connection, but it doesn’t really make William Powell and Shirley cousins; more like in-laws. William Powell’s Aunt Byrdella Powell married Shirley’s Great Uncle, Michael George Yeager.

This puts the family connection back on Shirley’s dad side. Phew. Always a relief to get to the bottom of the story! The distant connection is no surprise, as the two didn’t work together nor have I seen this mentioned anywhere else. Cyndi was kind enough to send this amazing chart that she put together showing the connection:

See more photos at my main website.


  1. Again, great detective work. It's a shame too. I would have loved for that rumored to be true, about being related to William Powell. Whenever the Thin Man movies come on TV, I always watch. It's hard to believe that William Powell and Myrna Loy did not get along together off-screen when you see their chemistry on screen.

  2. Cyndi did some amazing work; I just updated the post with a genealogy chart that she put together. As for William and Myrna, those kinds of stories are fascinating when the behind-the-scenes antics do not match what’s on screen. That's what good acting is for!
