Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Getting Nosey at the Castle, 1958

This August 1958 image of the Sleeping Beauty Castle Diorama exit at Disneyland was a must, as I didn’t have a good shot in my collection. When I received it, I noticed that there was a lot of “digging for buried treasure” as the saying goes. I love the look of shame the woman on the right of this detailed view is giving. Note the Carnation cup on the bench:

Nothing subtle about this little boy wiping the goods away while Mama sees how many tickets are left. Note the souvenir Diorama booklet she is holding in her right hand. And how about that handbag? I wonder if she bought it in Frontierland at the Arcade?

That bag very well could have been a same day purchase!

The cover of the souvenir booklet:

The final detail shot shows two little boys most likely attempting to figure out how many more attractions they can ride with their remaining tickets. Note the guide map/booklet being perused on the right side of this shot:

See more Disneyland Sleeping Beauty Diorama photos at my main website.


  1. Anonymous10:22 AM

    There's so much to see in this one picture, thanks Dave.


  2. That lady is probably not having a great day to begin with, with her impractical shoes and swollen ankles. And now she has to put up with one gentleman's gold mining and the other's eye-popping socks.
