Wednesday, February 16, 2022

Union Station 1950: PST

This shot of Union Station in Los Angeles hails from May 19, 1950. I am assuming the couple waving goodbye knew the photographer that took this image that just happens to have one of the coolest vintage autos parked next to them!

As a courtesy to those travelers from other time zones, the clock tower made it clear that they should set their watches to Pacific Standard Time:

Today, with cell phones and everything being done for us automatically, that notification is now gone.

“You mean you had to actually set the time on your clock/watch, Grandpa?!? Wow, things were tough back in the day!”

Oh to have brains again…

See more Los Angeles Union Station photos at my main website.


  1. I was about to lament the loss of the "Pacific Standard Time" but when you see that it was covering up some of the decorative details at the top, I think I don't mind that change. Also, as time moves on the younger generations won't know the minute/hour hands of a clock any better than they'll be able to read/write in cursive.

  2. Cursive? Is that a language with all swear words?

  3. why if I had a brain I could
