Tuesday, February 01, 2022

Temple Tuesday: Lois Lane and Maureen Robinson

In the 1942 film “Miss Annie Rooney,” Shirley Temple plays a teen from the wrong side of the tracks who catches the interest of a young man (Dickie Moore) who comes from money. Lots of money. He decides to go against his parent’s wishes (Gloria Holden and Jonathan Hale) and invite her to his birthday party. When she arrives, Mother is not pleased that the arrangements for twelve will now have to squeeze in another. AWKWARD! The snooty girls at the party look down on poor Shirley until she teaches the old drizzle-pusses how to dance.

Recognize anyone in these photos?

On the far left is Noel Neill, best known as Lois Lane from the 1950’s “Superman” TV series. The girl on the right in this shot is Shirley’s stand-in, Mary Lou Isleib, who finally got a few seconds of screentime.

Noel with George Reeves, as we best remember her:

On the far right of the previous shot is June Lockhart, wearing a somewhat ill-fitting dress and looking extremely bored.

Some twenty years later, June would play the smartest sexiest space mom ever, Dr. Maureen Robinson, in “Lost in Space,” shown here with TV husband Guy Williams.

NOBODY made science (and silver lame) look as appealing as June!

See more teenage Shirley Temple photos at my main website.


  1. By my count it looks to be 6 boy-girl couples which may be why poor June is off by her self as the 7th girl...must have been pretty tragic to make her want to go off on a one-way trip into space!

  2. Darryl - She was supposed to be the date of Dickie Moore's character, and is the one actually referred to as a “drizzle-puss.” Now you can understand why she went after Professor Robinson. A little silver lame and a helmet-head hairdo and voila! The butterfly has broken free of the cocoon!

  3. Anonymous10:35 AM

    Well...let's not forget Lassie. She was the perfect Mom for those of us of that generation...and then she "blossomed"into a 'hotter' Mom. And that seems to be in reverse order to the norm within the industry. KS
