Monday, February 21, 2022

Monday Main Street Memories

Welcome to Main Street, U.S.A., circa 1956. You have entered the Magic Kingdom and arrived at Town Square, where you can choose between a newfangled Horseless Carriage or the Horse-Drawn Streetcar.

I dig those signage closeups! Just think; only 10¢ to get to the Castle!

Note the horse with not only a very special hat, but the “D” monograms on its blinkers.

Over at the Fire Department, one could surmise that Walt and family are sleeping in, judging by the closed blinds.

Another 10¢ option to take you to Central Plaza/The Castle:

Meanwhile on Main Street, Rudolph Valentino is entertaining the guests at the Main Street Cinema:

Note the Keystone Kop’s hat behind the placard:

And you all expected me to post a shot from Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln. I sure fooled you!

See more Disneyland Main Street photos at my main website.


  1. Heh, nothing says "Happy Presidents Day!" like Rudolph Valentino. Also, that's Owen Pope ( of Owen and Dolly Pope ) in the bolo tie driving the carriage. Until a couple of years ago I assumed they just founded the Circle D ranch and trained the animals. I never knew he was visible in the park, driving various coaches as well.

  2. Bryan - Thanks for the info; I need to go through my shots on my website and relabel them!
