Friday, December 03, 2021

Fun with Hoarding

A few years ago I discovered the Punchy Players on YouTube. From their description:

Favorite personalities of Old Hollywood are celebrated in these satirical videos. Produced and conceived by Chris Tassin. Featuring the voice talent of Jeff Marquis with visuals and additional voice work from Chris Tassin. Written by Jeff and Chris.

Not only is the writing for these brilliant, but the voices nail the personalities they portray. This is a recently discovered favorite. If you are a fan of the old MGM musicals, this will make a great start to your weekend, and it might encourage you to clean out your clutter!

See more Pop Culture fun at my main website.


  1. I had to watch it twice. This is genius. I'll need to watch their others as well. If not only stays in character with those three but the dialogue is exactly like every episode of this TV show. The justifications for keeping every stupid thing. For some reason this reminds me of Steve Martin's "Dead Men Don't Wear Plaid", although it's not a fair comparison.

  2. punchy players forever

  3. "mama who that is ?"
