Friday, December 10, 2021

Fantasyland: The Secret Entrance!

When entering Fantasyland, most people walk dead-center through the Sleeping Beauty Castle and encounter the vista of all that Walt intended guests to see. However, there were/are two side entrances that can give guests that feeling of being special, exploring the paths less traveled. This vintage 1950’s image shows a guest who chose to enter Fantasyland via the tunnel on the left. Zooming in, you can see Merlin’s Magic Shop as well as the signage for the other side exit/entrance into Fantasyland.

And speaking of castles…here’s a 1956 shot of the Sleeping Beauty Castle. Ho hum, right?

Zooming in, you can see Robin Hood fraternizing with the guests:

Some previously posted shots of Robin and Will Scarlet:

I hope you have an amazing weekend and remember to explore the roads less traveled!

See more Disneyland Fantasyland photos at my main website.


  1. Neato, you don't see the Robin Hood guys much. Hard to believe it took almost 2 decades before any Robin Hood project would come to fruition.

  2. I love the mother and daughter in the last picture wearing my favorite paper souvenir hats. I shall always regret that the one picture I have of myself in front of the Anaheim castle is also one of the least flattering photos of me ever taken.

  3. dig their tights

  4. Melissa - I bet you still look adorable in the photo!
