Thursday, December 30, 2021

Disneyland, September 1971

As 2021 comes to a close, I present the last vintage Disneyland post of the year. This little series from September 1971 begins with an overhead view of the Chicken of the Sea Restaurant, shot from a Skyway bucket. In the background you can see the hidden dining area adjacent to Skull Rock Cove.

Note that there is nothing against the wall in this photo:

Whereas in this 1965 there was a vending machine:

As the Skyway bucket continued its journey, our 1971 photographer got this stunning shot of the yellow Monorail:

A balloon seller is visible below:

In one frame you have the PeopleMover, Motor Boat Cruise attraction sign, and the Monorail. At least one still exists!

Note this Fantasyland Ticket booth:

Still around when I took this photo in 2010, but repurposed as a Kodak Film and Photo Information booth. Film? What’s that?!?

The Skyway bucket next takes us over the Submarine Voyage Lagoon:

So much to see here: the Autopia, the Skyway, the Submarine Voyage, the PeopleMover, and the Carousel of Progress. Only one remains. Sorry, I just can’t count Losing Nemo.

Over in Fantasyland, the original Tournament Festival Tent façades remain on the attractions, but the Mad Tea Party now has those lacy arches between the light fixtures:

A closer view of the Mr. Toad façade and the crazy fashions/hairdos of the 70’s:

Last one shows the Dumbo ticket booth:


So close you can read it!

Photos? Tickets? Dang…these photos must be old!

See more Disneyland photos at my main website.


  1. Anonymous12:35 PM

    And I look forward to many more posts in the New Year Dave. It's amazing that the repurposed ticket booth had lasted so long. I wonder how many...if any..."originals" remain today. All made from wood, they would have outlasted the Swiss Chalet and 'Chicken of the Sea' Ship. Happy New Year! KS

  2. Ah, the Swiss Chalet. It was a shame that couldn't be repurposed, but I'm always glad Dave got pics of it towards the end.

    I'm dwelling on some odd minutiae today but I can't get over that the treasure chests on the roof of the pirate ship. They were there in the 60's but gone by '71. I vaguely recall that they were put there because kids kept climbing on top of the roof. Since people seem to get worse over time I would have assumed by '71 there would be dozens of treasure chests all over that roof, not none.

    Also, I zoomed in on that pic of the vending machine and can't figure out what it could be. Additional warm mayonnaise for your tuna fish sandwich? Spoiled mayonnaise? Mustard packets? Cigarettes?

    Happy New Year everyone.
