Monday, November 29, 2021

Mystery Monday in Hollywood/Los Angeles

This October 1958 image is a mystery, and I am feeling lazy. If I had to guess, I would probably say it shows Wilshire Boulevard. Second choice would be Hollywood Boulevard. Playing the Romper Room game, I see The Broadway Department Store, Thrifty Cut Rate Drugs (who came up with that slogan?!?),  Dr. Cowen Credit Dentists (extract now, pay later?), Woolworth’s, California Bank, and possibly Western Bank on the left. On the right we have Flagg Brothers Shoes, Harris & Something, and Sears Roebuck...or maybe just a painted building advertising Sears.

…and some way cool vintage autos! Any others out there feeling less lazy that know where this is?

UPDATE: Thanks to Werner Weiss of the amazing site Yesterland, this has been identified as Colorado Boulevard in Pasadena.

See more Pasadena photos at my main website.


  1. I think it is Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena... there’s the Star News building. I could be wrong though!

  2. I had no idea MP was WW. Big fan, been following Yesterland since the internet started.

    The only unique thing I noticed in the pic was in front of the sign for REEDS store. I see a red, rectangular sign on a lightpole. I'm thinking this may be pointing the way to Angel's Flight? ....Maybe?

  3. Bryan - Werner contacted me via FB; he and David are two diff people. I don't think David read all the way through to my update. Like me, I often just look at the pretty pictures!

  4. Could that be the Little ol' lady from Pasadena's "brand new shiny red super stock Dodge", that she uses to terrorize Colorado boulevard, parked in front of Woolworths?
