Wednesday, September 08, 2021

Protecting Americans

Even before I was first able to experience Angels Flight Railway for myself last year, I was semi-obsessed with this little transportation gem in downtown Los Angeles. Recently, I acquired this you-are-there image from August 1965, showing passengers enjoying their journey aboard the little orange railway that could. One thing struck me though; there was no door or rail keeping passengers from falling out the back. I had never noticed this detail before in my other vintage images.

Today, not only are there doors to prevent people from falling/jumping out mid-ride, but there’s a sign telling passengers to “wait inside until car stops.”

What has happened to society in the last sixty years to make it necessary to protect them from dangers that would seem like common sense? Is this kind of signage and protection used in other countries, or is being stupid something Americans have cornered the market on?

Yes, I’m shaking my head.

See more Angels Flight Railway photos at my main website.


  1. Sadly true. Car owner manuals went from "here's how to change the spark plugs" to "don't drink the battery water." A certain element of danger is necessary in any society to assure we retain skills needed to make good decisions. Too many safeties create lower vigilance and higher expectations. Fortunately that'll never come around to bite us in the end by fostering a more entitled society. That's the sort of thing you'd only find in fiction such as Orwell's 1984. I don't envy the person whose job it was to install those doors on the railway but they did a pretty good job allowing clear plexiglass for a decent View. We probably all prefer no doorways but since those have to be there oh, they did an okay job. It was as non-intrusive as it could have been.

  2. Anonymous12:22 PM

    I have always joked that my generation grew up in spite of itself. No helmets, toy cap guns that shot out plastic bullets from spring loaded cartridges, roller skates with metal wheels, no seat belts, drinking water from a hose, etc. Upon hindsight, a few improvements have been positive but on the other hand protecting everyone from everything seems to have resulted in the expectation that there are 100% guarantees in protecting our safety without the need to develop "common sense". And is hot! KS

  3. There are no railings on the canals in either Amsterdam or Venice, and yet both are populous and prosperous cities.

    Lawfare has destroyed America.

    Like you, Dave, I love the Angels Flight, we rode it once in 1999(?) I think. My Dad lived near that neighborhood in the 1930's when it was quite different from now. He used to talk about AF when I was a kid, but it was closed then and we couldn't ride. Did not reopen until years after he passed.


  4. We were a 'heartier' breed in the 'olden days'. Truly a real pity what has happened since then.
