Wednesday, June 23, 2021

Disneyland Keel Boat Detail

New to me is the discovery that on the Bertha Mae Keel Boat at Disneyland the front of the watercraft had what appears to be a hand-painted detail. A closeup from the December 1958 image:

The Gullywhumper had a placard affixed instead of the painted name of its sister-boat, as seen in this June 1964 image:

And while we’re on Keel Boats, here’s one from the Fall of 1956:

See more vintage Disneyland Keel Boat photos at my main website.


  1. Interesting. I don't think I've ever recalled seeing anything on the hull of these, ever. Of course I never specifically looked, either. If someone asked me where their names are, I would have said on both sides of the vessel, at the top.

  2. Chuck6:49 PM

    Not sure why I prefer photos of the Gullywhumper like this with only two doors per side. It’s probably because I never saw it like this in person.

  3. Dave, this is great. I loved the Keelboats.

    Thanks for publishing my little memoir on their page.

