Thursday, December 24, 2020

That’s What I Want For Christmas

This is definitely a different holiday season than those experienced in years past. Many are separated from family members and friends because of the pandemic. Today’s post shows photos from my first white Christmas, circa 1966. My brothers wore a different kind of mask back then. Mom bundled us up like the Michelin Man so that we could brave the cold weather that our San Diego family had not yet grown accustomed to.

I’m not sure which department store this was, but most likely it was Wanamaker’s or Gimbels.

So many details to look at here! In the background is a brand new sled, which would not have been practical for us when we lived in San Diego. For Philadelphia and the hill in our backyard: perfect! I still remember that game, Bop the Beetle; if you weren’t careful, the mouth would clamp down hard on your hand. Ouch!

My Fisher-Price school bus is in the foreground. I put a lot of miles on that toy! In the background is the Hot Wheels racetrack that we were also given that year.

It’s now been a year since I have been able to see my mom in person; she’s still on the East Coast. My Christmas wish this year is that things clear so that we can all travel to those that we care about. While Zoom and other programs provide a virtual connection, nothing replaces a hug or an in-person visit.

My Christmas portrait with Willis from last year.

While I know that some of my readers don’t celebrate Christmas, I still hope that they can enjoy the spirit of the season, which is universal no matter what religion you do or don’t subscribe to. Let’s be grateful for blessings, be kind to others, and do our best to spend time with those that we care about (whether in-person or virtually). This once-a-year reminder is a good start to what we all hope is a better year. I will leave you with one of my favorite holiday songs, “Ave Maria,” sung by the incomparable Karen Carpenter. Yes, I love her voice and I’m a geek. Deal with it.

See more Daveland photos at my main website.


  1. Anonymous11:08 AM

    Merry Christmas Dave. And thank you for your continued posts which I always enjoy. And as for Karen Carpenter, her holiday songs have become standards...much like Bing Crosby. KS

  2. Thanks so much - I truly appreciate you and all the other faithful readers who have shared so much with me over the years!

  3. Dave, thank you for sharing your wonderful Christmas pictures and memories! What a fun trip back in time. I sure hope you can visit your mom, soon.

    Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


  4. Chuck5:19 AM

    Dave, you still looked like you even back then. I love photos like that.

    Merry Christmas to you, and, as others have said, thank you from the bottom of my heart for the service you provide to all of us wannabe Disneyland historians out here.

    It's OK to be a geek. I've been in love with her voice since 1973; Carepenters: The Singles, 1969-73 was the first non-Disney album I ever got (and I still have it). Saw them in Fresno in I think '74. Great memory.

    So many of us (myself included) are separated from loved ones this year. I pray that we'll all be able to visit them soon.

    God's peace and grace to you and yours this Christmas.


  5. Great post today Dave! I love that photo of you with Santa :) Coincidentally, I am listening to Karen Carpenter right now!!! I have the Yule Log playing on the TV (KTLA). I just love her voice and enjoy listening to her singing Christmas songs every year.
    Your Mom looks great. Wishing you and the other readers a wonderful day and here's hoping for a brighter and better new year when we can see and hug and talk directly (not through a mask) once again.

  6. Merry Christmas to you as well, Dave! As the owner of a very small Disney blog but a huge Carpenters fan as well, I can tell you my posts on Karen and their music get thousands of views. There are certainly millions of fans around the world for her one of a kind voice and Richard's stunning arrangements.
    Mark, Insights and Sounds

  7. Merry Christmas Dave. Great memories of a better time for sure.
