Thursday, October 22, 2020

Long Beach Interlude

I had a photo shoot in Long Beach this summer. Although barely an hour from San Diego, I rarely stop here on the way to L.A. I could probably spend a long weekend here and take a ton-o-pictures of the architecture and sites, but for whatever reason it just doesn’t happen. Here are a few I DID manage to snap during my brief stopover this summer. The first one shows the Convention Center, which I am guessing is not getting a lot of action these days.

The harbor area gives some gorgeous views. This is a really neat area with lots of restaurants and shops; it was super early in the morning so I really don’t know how vibrant it currently is during the pandemic.

A look back from the promenade towards the Convention Center:

The stairway from the promenade down to the harbor. This type of architectural element over the spiral staircase is worth the dizziness it caused in shooting this photo.

Long Beach is probably most famous for its long-time inhabitant, the Queen Mary, who is permanently docked here.

See more Long Beach photos at my main website.


  1. I know that Convention Center well. I've been lucky enough to drive across that pedestrian bridge and park in front of those doors along with a few other cars for a special event. I wouldn't recommend anyone else try that just for the fun of it, without an invitation to do so. Great pictures! It's so nice to see that area empty so that you can appreciate the building for what it is, not the crowds that fill it.

  2. Anonymous12:53 PM

    Made it to a convention back in 2009 and was happy to see how much had changed for the positive since my memory of it during the last days of The Pike. Also appreciated the sculpture which paid homage to the old Cyclone Racer. Gosh I feel old. KS

  3. Nice photos of this area, Dave.

    I visited here in 2018 to make a presentation at a convention. It was a very nice building and development overall. The Hyatt hotel was very nice also.

    My wife walked the retail development while I was on stage, but I didn't stay to make my own visit there. We headed up to Santa Monica and the Getty Roman Villa museum.

    We stayed one night at the Queen Mary, in a return to the past. My friend TokyoMagic generously posted my photos and memories of the QM at his blog "Meet the World".



  4. JG - Those are some great interior shots of the Queen Mary! Thanks for sharing the links!

  5. Anonymous4:41 PM

    Dave, I'm glad you enjoyed those. Just taken with the phone camera, nothing special.

