Sunday, June 14, 2020

You say Pavillion, I say Pavilion…

This undated 1950s image shows the sign for The Pavillion off of Central Plaza at Disneyland. Note the spelling.

Here’s the actual building, circa August 1959:

A cozy undated shot of two guests sitting on a Central Plaza bench with The Pavillion behind them.

Just in case anyone wanted to see what was happening up on the porch…

By the time this September 1963 image was taken, Disney had seen the error of their ways and corrected the spelling of Pavilion.

Four Fiddlers and an Accordion; I wonder what kind of gigs they got besides this one?

One more shot of The Plaza Pavilion, circa September 1965:

A detailed view for all you signage geeks (like me):

In 2012, this location was renamed Jolly Holiday. I wonder if they considered “Holliday”?

See more Disneyland Plaza Pavilion photos at my main website.


  1. What a nice little tribute to the Plaza Pavilion - or Pavillion - as you will-! So much 'love' is usually sent across the way to the Red Wagon Inn (Restaurant)/Plaza Inn, this is really nice to see.

    All that 'band' needs is a kazoo, and they'd be ready for the big leagues.

    Thanks, Dave.

  2. Anonymous11:45 AM

    For some reason the Pavilion never seemed to get the attention it deserved. But in the off season it was closed while the Red Wagon/Plaza Inn was always open. KS

  3. Nanook and KS: I actually thought it WAS the Plaza/Red Wagon Inn at first. Then I saw the area to the right and realized it couldn't be. And yes - it’s about time the Pavil(l)ion got some love!

  4. Anonymous9:25 AM

    Dave, thanks a milion for this post.

    I don't recall ever going in here before it's conversion to the Joly Holliday.

    It is a neat little gothic facade.

