Monday, June 08, 2020

Monorail Monday


I rarely look for "new" vintage Disneyland shots anymore; I guess I have become jaded. However, this undated photo from 1960s Disneyland was love at first sight. The cast member standing near the bubble of the Red Monorail. Wow! I can only guess that since there are no guests in sight, either they had all just exited the Monorail or it was a very light day!


 See more Disneyland Monorail photos at my main website.


  1. Great photo today. I would agree that this was well worth the purchase. As I'm typing this I noticed that you can also see the Cast Member's reflection in the window. How cool is that? I never worked the Monorail; however, it appears to me that she may have just unloaded the vehicle and they are waiting to open the gates for the next group of passengers.

    I had the pleasure of riding in the bubble only once (that I can remember). What a treat that was. I felt so important crawling up the small stairway to take my seat in the dome. I remember being in awe, not only of the view, but also the radio chatter that I heard from the pilot's cabin below. Thanks Dave for the great photo and mental vacation back to when I was a kid.

    Always your pal,
    Amazon Belle

  2. Oh and I see two more small details that I didn't notice until now. What are the pictures, above the front row, behind the Plexiglas? Never noticed photos in the Monorail before. Huh? Also, you can see the top of a train at the Tomorrowland Train Station. If I'm not mistaken that may be the Fred Gurley? This is where we call on Steve DeGaetano for assistance.

    Always your pal,

  3. To ride in the bubble. That is something to cherish.

  4. Anonymous8:31 AM

    I always wondered why they put the revolving warning light on the monorails.

    Finally, I decided, it was because they could.

    Matthew, very cool that you got to ride in the bubble. I've wanted to do that all my life.


  5. Matthew, I'm pretty sure that they placed pictures of the park where you are referencing. I can remember Mr. Lincoln, for one.
